A Bit of Salt, Sugar and Vinegar WATER AND FIRE


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2 KILL D TIME......

Sunday, December 27, 2009


She's breathing
She's thinking and..
She's moving....and
the most important thing
she's smiling...
Menarilah dan terus tertawa...
Walau dunia tak seindah syurga....
Bersyukurlah pada yang kuasa....
Cinta kita di dunia...selamanyaa.....

found it!!!! found it!!! n found it!!!!!

Haaahh ni die, hoping that somebody cud buy me this..
So i think this will be my target 4 next year.
I really..really...really want it very very veryyyyy  badly...bad..bad..badly..
Pleasssse. i need this at the moment.
Boleh x...best nyer

"J" "O" Waffle reunion

Semalam "J" "O" reunion plaksss, kat 1 utama. it was raining heavily, i was like going back to puncak alam, dah patah semangat, lebat giler.  Niways, sampai gak kat 1 utama tu, Venue changed to Waffle World.  Ita, Ron n Shidah was there. Unfortunately K. Zu, d organizer yg x dapat dtg, ada hal.

Borak sakan sampai malam, just like d ol days.  Nothing much changed.  Except 4, like semua dah kembang-kembang, al maklumlah semua dah jadi emak, aku pun x terkecuali masuk dalam species tu gak...wat cam ne pun x akan kembali ke zaman gemilang.  So, anak-anak ku...remember that.  Life is so short, why waste.  Metabolism pun dah slow giler cam siput 'khinzir'.  wa...wa...waaaaa.. Except for Ron, steady lagi la i cud say. 

Wish KC was there to make it more lively.  X puas nak borak kot, sebab semua dah ada laki nak jaga, kang balik lambat kang, apa plakss katenye... So..ini dia gambar kanak-kanak riang yang baru terlepas dari sangkar....

Ooopss!!!sorry ron, aku upload yang ni
ita and myself

myself, shiday, ron and ita

Friday, December 25, 2009

whooshh,... ahakssss.....

Apsal ni..the thing is, i hv like so many things to write about, but just don know where to start. 

2 3 hari ni bila masuk pendora i always get stuck with i dont know what.  I've been thinking, agaknye tu pasalla x boleh nak pikir langsung...what 2 write, tapi bebenornye ade benda nak disclose.  hmmm..huargghhhh arghhhhh!!!!!! berserabut....

I dont know which one i'm supposed to do first.  sob sob sob

Saturday, December 19, 2009

REUNION ..royyy

 intan, yah mali, lynn, myself
hmmm day before yesterday had makan-makan for our reunion with my best friends from old high school.. lin, intan, yah, and mali. Too bad, intan salmah, loy, ecah, ne and ipap couldn't make it. Those were the days, banyak betul memories yang kluar masa jumpa kat rumah aku ni. I cooked masakan kampong, mali yang nak masakan kampong kot. Best gak arrr, ada ikan tenggiri masak kari, masak lomak pucuk ubi, udang sambal belado, sambal belacan, sayur kampung, ikan cencaru sumbat (adikk yg suggest masak ni, tq, sedap gak aku masak ni,menjadi). Sodapp.. aku makan tambah sakan, sama gak yang lain-lain tu. So we had fun, kluar balik citer-citer lama kot.

We called intan salmah, got to know ecah was hospitalized, hisband is "crib".  Siann kat dia gak, ipap ikut husband ke Tganu katanya, loy agak bengang sebab ditinggalkan oleh member lain masa nak dtg umah aku, so she cudnt make it, intan salmah was overjoyed when we called her.  Citer sidinkeas (dun no wat happen to him now), siti (no news), jalil (met him once), jalal (no news), atan (suffered from d... and married an indo woman, blue (happily married), rosmah (passed away coz of cancer), oshin happen to be anak ipap (wallahualam), and bla...bla..

Intan still rugged giler cam dulu (mama rock), lin plaksss, hmmm with make up and a bit dressed to kill 4 d occassion.  Yah is so sweet, same like old days, bila cakap sgt lembut and make jokes dalam kelembutann dia tu, mali with her honesty and assertivness.  Intan and lin dah ada cucu pun,

Why roy?? that was the name that we added to our names @ the end when we wer in the circle.  Lawak..i became, groyy, maliroyy, yahroyy, linroyy, intanroyy, ecahroyy, neroy or fidroyy, paproyy, salmahroyy.  Siyesly until now i dont know what "royy" stands for.  Gonjeng betul atau poyo (as my kids collit).  Really waitin for the next reunion.

We planned to visit ecah, eventhough i dont feel like it (after what she did to me in the past), but hey!!!!that's what friends are for. Ini masa dia, nanti aku pun akan tua gak, sakit and everthin..so kengkawan ni jugak yg boleh buat pengubat.  niways,,,i wish all the 10 of us cud meet again, insyaallah...

Yah, lynn, mali and intan

Monday, December 14, 2009


Phewww.... it was not easy 2 start all over again after what the STUPID PSMB people had done with all my data during the configuration. I think it took me almost 3 weeks to get the "feel" back (masuk balik track)sambung balik mencari segala harta karun yang sgt berharga untuk thesis yang dah suku masak tu. Kalau thesis cam rendang daging, bumbu semua dah ada (semua ingredients dah campurkan lah), tinggal lagi nak tambah daging dan santan. Kalau x kuat iman, rasa dah boleh mati. Untuk sedapkan hati, Allah tu bagi ujian selalunya pada org yang kuat iman je..ceh wah.. mungkin kot. So today, i've started to get into gear one (kalau keter manual la) starting to search back all all the lit rev. Ada yg dpt ada yg x dpt. Fine..adik kate "mungkin ada hikmah disebalik kehilangan harta karun aku tu" thanks dik, lega gak dengar ayat tu, cam ok lah gak, start a new one and finally i did it today. Pat on my back myself. So, progressnye agak memberansangkan gak la. Esok sambung lagi. Nak masak nasi kunyit yg dah lama terendam untuk anakanakku yang kuat makan tu. One thing that i realise is that terasa cam satu satisfaction bila dapat masak untuk anak-anak yang tengah kuat makan tu. Ayahnya x sudah-sudah say tqvm setiap kali habis soruu. That is MV gak dan boleh jadi DV gak.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Alhamdulillah...most of my wishes cam like fulfilled this year. 4 interesting lil monsters with different characters in my house r doing well in their studies, kire ok lah, except for the "boros" one, I expected more than that numbers (cgpa). I know u cud have done better, cume yr excitements yg x dapat nak dibendung tu agak mengacau kot (her fav word)siyesly, kurangkan rambuan dan rondaan anda di merata tempat.

The "honest brutal", "fashionmaniac" and "Koreanatic" one, I appreciate yr honesty but sometimes it does hurt the feeling of others. Mama x pernah tinggal doakan 4 yr pmr. Stret As k, bawak blanje kat Mache' ke kat Pan Pacific, since u r the choc lovers.

The "anno..." oopss, tapi sgt lah rajin tolong mama die, dan sukalah sgt nak ambil hati org, always trying hard to please people, sampai ketawa pun jadi cam fake je sometimes, selalu kene marah lak tu sebab terlampau baik hati.

Last but not least the "soft hearted, ayah kata ratu air mata" walaupun nampak brutal, tapi hati lembut, cian die sebab sorng je lelaki...ceh wah.. among the siblings. Selalu rasa being isolated, that's why he behaves crazy kekadang, just to fit in among the pompuans. Trying hard to slow down his "slera makan" but everytime he begs me, cair mama ni. Selalu sebut nama kakak-kakak dia bila they all x de, especially the 'anno'. Fav words:qist mane ma..kakak bila nak balik ma...angah dah makan ke belum ma...lapar la ma...lepas ni nak online, tapi selalu x dapat.

Lbnl my hubby, tqvm for the support, i appreciate it. Tolong mcm-mcm that i dont think others wud do those and layan the 4 lil monsters cam nak giler..Luv ya han. My lovely n interesting kids, tqvm for what u have given to me so far. It's really challenging n that is life! My Phd....hmmm need to pull up my socks!

abang, insyirah, qist and shasha

Thursday, December 10, 2009

WEI .... Hari ini dalam sejarah

ntah apa pasal lak aku nak buat ni...sebab member kamcing aku pun like starting to write something in this blog, cam MV lak...jadi aku pun start gak lak, selama ni rasa cam x paham nape lah org suka-suka nak tulis kisah dia dalam blog... self-diclose name nye tu...so..hari ni gi betul kan tepon murah yang aku beli, sekali pandang cam iphone giler, 2x pandang... perghhhh cun gak. tapi lum pe-pe lagi dah x leh nak pakai..hampeh!!! anak aku pun x sudi nak pakai....ye leee gen y sekarng ni, semua nak ori je....kalau baby boomers..asal leh pakai, dah terror giler lah tu..ape kelass. k... lah aku dah rasa avatar giler ni... roger.